【there be 句型】there are tall trees now教案

2019-06-17 教学工作总结 阅读:

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  there are tall trees now教案


  1. 知识与能力目标

  能熟练掌握单词 before now playground

  能初步运用句型There was… There were… There is… There are…描述事物或场景的变化。


  2. 情感态度目标



  1.本课的教学重点是运用句型there was, there were, there is, there are描述事物或场景的变化。

  2. 本课的教学难点是there was, there were, there is, there are句型结构的理解和运用。


  1. 教材的配套光盘。

  2. 教材配套的单词卡片。

  3. 教师准备的图片,挂图。


  Step 1:Warm up



  再出示十张图片,其中包含刚才学生读过的五张图,学生根据自己的记忆用There was a…before. There wasn’t a…before.来说。

  同样方法出示内容为复数形式的图片,There were…before. There weren’t… before.

  Step 2:Presentation and practice

  1.Before Listening:(出示挂图)

  T:Look at the pictures of the school.

  Does it look different now?

  S:Yes,it does.

  2.While listening:


  Q1:How about the trees?

  There were lots of little trees here.

  Now there are tall trees.

  Q2: How about the playground?

  playground 操场, 教读。

  There was a small playground here.

  Now there is a big playground.

  2).Listen and repeat. Then practise.

  3.After listening:

  1).?How about our school?

  trees, playground, classroom, school gate…

  There were…. Now there are…

  There was…. Now there is…


  There was a small school gate.

  Now there is a big school gate.

  2).?Look and say.

  a).What can you see in Picture 1?

  A small blackboard, small desks, small chairs…

  What can you see in Picture 2?

  A computer, a big blackboard, big desks, big chairs…

  b).Find the differences.


  There were small desks in the classroom before.

  There are big desks in the classroom now.

  c).Practise in pairs.


  (Student A closes his/her book.)

  B: There were small desks in the classroom before.

  A: There are big desks in the classroom now.

  After three turns, the students should swap roles.

  Step 3: Consolidation and extension

  1.Game: Find the differences and say.

  A:There was/were…

  B:Now there is/are…

  Practise in groups.


  2. Learn the song.

  1).Before singing the song:

  Talk about the pictures.

  2).While singing the song:

  Enjoy the song.

  Repeat the sentences.

  Sing along with the music.

  3).After singing the song:


  3.Activity bookP4.1 Listen and write.

  4.Activity bookP4.2 Look at the pictures and say.

  Then close the book. Listen and judge.


  T: There was a slide.

  S: Yes.

  5. Activity book P5.3 Now write about the differences in Exercise 2.



  Step 4: Summary


  now before

  there is there was

  there are there were

  Step 5: Homework

  A. Listen and repeat.

  B. Try to sing the song.

  C. Write something about our school.

  Step 6: Blackboard design:

  Module 1 Unit 2 There are tall trees.

  There were lots of little trees here.

  Now there are tall trees.

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there are tall trees now教案由小学生作文网(www.zzxu.cn)收集整理,转载请注明出处!原文地址http://www.zzxu.cn/jiaoan/621158.html

【there be 句型】there are tall trees now教案





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