[英语作文万能句子]英语作文 环境对人的影响(3篇)

2019-06-11 写人作文 阅读:

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  英语作文 环境对人的影响(3篇)


  英语作文 环境对人的影响1

  How humans affected the environment

  Human take a great role in destroying and rebuilding the environment.But most of the time,destruction is greater than construction.LIke all the trees getting chopped down and the grounds being burnt to build houses.Even though now many countries are starting to replant trees,the way the environment works is just not the same anymore.For example,global warming,is caused by to much pollution over the ozone layer making the glaciers melt and the world climate go up.Humans need to take responsibility for our environment.

  英语作文 环境对人的影响2

  for quite a long time in mankind history, we human beings thouught we could dominate the nature, we can do whatever we are pleased to do with nature. but now we know we were completely wrong.

  since the middle of 20th century, the whole planet of earth has been experiencing a great deal of envrionmental changes due to increasingly intensive human activities. global warming, deforestation, water pollution, soil erosion are all among them. these changes in turn exertes negative impact on mankind community such impeding the further development of economy, posing health risks on man, widening the bridge between the poor and the wealthy and etc.. it's not exaggerating to say that nature is retaliating.

  now we know no matter how advanced our technology is, human beings should never think of ourselves as the master of nature. we can never be. the only way for us to sustain is to regard ourselves as part of a whole system of the planet like a species of plant or animal, and to ensure the planet itself can exist and develop in its own course. in doing so man and the earth live in harmony and we both get to sustain.

  英语作文 环境对人的影响3

  The Person I Admire the Most

  Mrs. Fulmer is my English instructor. She comes from the U.S.A. Like most of my classmates, I think of her as a repeatable person. She is also very popular among us.

  Mrs. Fulmer has many of the qualities that students appreciate in an instructor. First, she is cordial and patient. Whenever dealing with new teaching material, she tried hard to get every detail to all students. In addition, she understands our difficulties and does her best to help us get over them. Second, she has an expressive look and an impressive tone. So she always manages to make her lectures interesting and exciting. Finally, Mrs. Fulmer is a very capable organizer. All of us appreciate the schedules of assignments she gives us at the beginning of a term. They allow us to plan our time reasonably and efficiently.

  Personally, I trust that as a dedicated woman. Mrs. Fulmer is believed to be a successful English instructor. (156 words)

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英语作文 环境对人的影响(3篇)由小学生作文网(www.zzxu.cn)收集整理,转载请注明出处!原文地址http://www.zzxu.cn/yingyu/690873.html

[英语作文万能句子]英语作文 环境对人的影响(3篇)


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