鲁向卉|鲁湘版merry christmas课件

2019-08-13 英语演讲稿 阅读:

Merry Christmas! 课件,,教案,素材,学案... 下面是范文网在线www.01hn.com 小编为大家带来的鲁湘版merry christmas课件,希望能帮助到大家!

  鲁湘版merry christmas课件



  1.New words: merry,Christmas

  2.Sentences: We sing songs. We have a Christmas tree. We give presents. We eat lots of food.

  三、教学难点:Merry Christmas! We sing songs. We have a Christmas tree. We give presents.




  ( )1.fold A.打开 B.折叠 C.夹住

  ( )2.paste A.粘贴 B.剪 C.合住

  ( )3.white A.什么 B.白色 C.黑色

  ( )4.chopstick A.筷子 B.勺子 C.叉

  ( )5.dinner A.早餐 B.午餐 C.晚餐


  ( )1. A. under B. in C. gift

  ( )2. A. funny B. party C. lovely21世纪有

  ( )3. A. dinner B. breakfast C. afternoon

  ( )4. A. paper B. piece C. glue

  ( )5. A. fold B. paste C. paper21教育网


  ( ) 1. I Christmas gift A.

  ( )2. Santa Claus B.

  ( )3. Christmas tree C.

  ( )4. teddy bear D.

  ( )5. toy horse E.


  ( )1. Christmas coming next week.

  A. is B. are C. am



  ( )1.Ch stmas (圣诞节)

  A. ri B. ra C. ru

  ( )2.chopst k(筷子)

  A. ac B. ic C. oc

  ( )3.di er(晚餐,主餐)

  A. oo B. ne C. nn

  ( )4.fa ly(家,家庭)

  A. mi B. im C. cm

  ( )5.p ty(聚会)

  A. or B. ir C. ar


  1. That’s a . (love) card.

  2. I’m (write) a Christmas card for Joe.

  3. What (do) you (do) on Christmas morning

  4. Santa Claus (put) a gift for everyone.21世纪有

  5. I will (make) a small bird for him.


  A: What are you doing

  B: 1 .

  A: Can you tell me something about Christmas

  B: 2 on Christmas morning, We open our gifts. Santa Claus puts gifts under the Christmas tree.21cnjy.com


  Lesson9 Merry Christmas Santa Claus Who’s this?It’s…. Who’s this? It’s… It’s a What’s this? It’s a…… What are these? They are…… A : What are these?这些是什么? What are those? 那些是什么? 找不同类的一个单词 1.Santa Claus 2.Snow White Christmas Day 12月25日(December 25th ) 是 圣诞节( ),我们准备了圣诞树( ),屋子离挂上好看的彩灯( ),圣诞老人( )坐着驯鹿( )拉的 雪橇( ),为我们带来漂亮的礼物( presents )。大家个个都 happy ,见面就说(Merry Christmas)。 What ,what is this? It is a sleigh. What, what are these ? They are coloured lights * * .When is Christmas? It’s on December 25th . Santa Claus A:Who’s this? B:It’s Santa Claus. Father Christmas Snow White A: B: Who’s this? It’s Snow White . A:Who this ? B: a witch . is It is A: B: It is a fairy. Who is this ? Who is=Who’s It is =It’s fairy 仙女 fairy 仙女 Who’s this? It’s a fairy. A: B: angel 天使 Who’s this? It’s an angel. A: B: A: Who these ? B: clowns. witches are They are clowns A :What is this ? B: It is a Christmas tree. A : is this ? B: .. cat a lantern rein deer a What’s this? It’s a reindeer. 驯鹿 a sleigh What’s this? It’s a sleigh. 雪橇 bell a What’s this? It’s a bell. chimney a What’s this? It’s a chimney. A: What are these ? fireworks 烟花 B: They are fireworks . colour ed lights What are these? They are coloured lights. What’s missing ? What’s missing ? What’s missing ? What’s missing ? Santa Claus fairy angel reindeer bell sleigh chimney coloured lights bells B:They are…… coloured lights 3.Christmas tree 2.sleigh 3.Christmas card 2. witch 3. ghost 1.fairy 1.Father Christmas 1.Fireworks 2.coloured lights 3.bell Who,Who is this ? It is Father Christmas. Who, Who are these ? They are clowns . . Who 谁,指人 What 什么,指物或事

鲁向卉|鲁湘版merry christmas课件





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