四年级上册英语学习|四年级上册英语第五课 our new home教案

2019-08-13 英语演讲稿 阅读:

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  四年级上册英语第五课 our new home教案


  本单元主要学习如何谈论家居物品和物品的方位。本部分内容呈现了苏海和苏阳一家搬家的情景,双胞胎姐妹对自己的很多物品的位置不是很清楚,于是询问妈妈,引出本单元句型。三年级下册第四单元已学过in,on,under,behind等介词和where is…?句型,单复数的理解与不同用法在本册前几个单元也重点操练,教师不必拘泥于本单元家中摆设的单词,可以结合前面所学物品的单词,对物品方位进行操练,从而让学生能自然流利地运用本课所学语言。


  1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词bedroom, living room, clock, table,bathroom.

  2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Where’s/Where are…? It’s/ They’re…How are you?21世纪教育网版权所有

  3.能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组home, sofa, come,kitchen, fridge, hungry.

  4.能听懂并学唱歌曲《I love my bedroom》


  6. 能让学生积极交流、主动分享、大胆想象、自主合作完成任务。



  1. 句型: Where’s/ Where are…?及其回答It’s/They’re…

  2. 词汇: mum, bedroom, skirt, table, clock, living room, bathroom.

  3. 语音:字母k在单词中的读音


  1. 句型:Where’s/ Where are…?及其回答It’s/ They’re…

  2. 词汇:bedroom, living room, bathroom, fridge, kitchen, hungry等单词的发音。


  第一课时:Story time

  第二课时: Fun time, song time, sound time

  第三课时: Cartoon time

  第四课时:Checkout time, ticking time

  第五---七课时: 完成相关练习和优学有道

  Type of the lesson 课型

  Fun time, song time & sound time.

  Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

  1.能听懂,会读,会说,会用where is my…? Where are my…? 询问物品的位置。



  4.会唱歌曲“I love my bedroom”

  Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点




  Teaching procedures 教学过程

  Step 1 Free Talk

  T: Let’s enjoy our English lesson now. Are you ready?

  1、Sing the songs《Where’s ?》, 《In the living room》

  2、Do you have a big living room ? How is your living room?

  Step 2 Visit Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home ( Review the Story time)

  T:Boys and girls, You know Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home. (PPT呈现课件Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home)

  we visited Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home yesterday. They moved to a new home. But their things are not in order. They’re looking for…

  1. Can you remember what Su Hai and Su Yang are looking for?

  S1:Su Yang are looking for a bag and a cap.

  S2:Su Hai are looking for skirts.

  T: T: How do they ask for help? What do they say?

  T: Who helps them?

  2. Memory check

  T: Cool! You memory is really great!

  3.Can you recite the story?

  T: Great! You can recite.

  T: Who helps them? we know Mum helps them. And they help each other. Can you help each other, and act the dialogue?

  4.Can you act?

  T: I’m sure, you can recite and you can act it out. You did good jobs. Next, let’s play a game.

  5.Play a game

  T: I think you like games very much , right?

  S: Yes!

  T: If you see English words or pictures, please speak loudly. If you see a bomb, please say” bong”. Now let’s go.

  T: You are wonderful. I’ll show you something more interesting. “ Brain storm”.

  6. Brain storm (What similar words can you say? 你能说出多少同类词?)

  skirt classroom bed nice

  T: Good. All of you can say many similar words very well. And can you make a chant with the similar words very well, too? Let’s try.

  7. Can you chant?

  T: Let’s show your new chant.

  T: We can make a chant with our favorite room. We love our bedroom and we love our home more. So let’s sing a song“I love my bedroom”.

  8. Song time

  T: Listen and write

  I have , , , ,

  and in my bedroom.

  T:Let’s check the answer.

  T: Listen to the song and follow it.

  T: Let’s sing it together.

  Step 3 Visit your dream home

  Fun time (Can you draw?)

  T: (教师唱) I love my bedroom, it’s nice and clean. I love my little bedroom. Su Hai and Su Yang have their new home. What about your dream home? What is it like? Can you share with me? Let’s design.

  T: We can put many things in the matched room. Can you stick the rooms andintroduce?

  T: Show me your favorite room.

  T: Look at his\her room.

  Look, this is his\her room. What do you want to say?

  S: How nice/ beautiful ... /It's ... /What a nice...

  T: Show time (Make a dialogue to introduce your room)

  Step 4 Visit my home (Sound time)

  T:Boys and girls, your room designs too perfect. Your home is so beautiful. Do you want to visit Miss Ren’s home. I invite you to visit my home.

  T: Look at my home. S: How nice/ beautiful ... /It's ... /What a nice...

  T: Thank you. What’s in my home? Do you know? Let’s have a look.

  1. What’s in my home?

  T: Look , I have a kite, a bike , some cakes, and some books. Because I like to fly a kite, ride a bike , read some books and eat my nice cakes in my free time.

  2.Play a game “ Guess and say”

  T: Where’s\Where’re my...? You can ask me like this: It’s\ They are ….,I think.

  Is it \Are they …?

  3.Where is the same? 找出相同之处

  4.Can you chant?

  5.Can you try?

  T: Here are some words with the letter ‘k’. They are…

  6. Can you say?

  T: I have some words with the sound/k/. Can you read them?

  Ss: Read together.

  T: Can you choose some of them to make a new chant according to the picture? Discuss in pairs.


  T: Boys and girls, you did a very good job.

  Step5 Consolidation

  T: Boys and girls, you did many good jobs at this English lesson. You’re wonderful! Just now, we talked about our old friends Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home, your dream home and my home. I love my home very much. What about you? East, west, home is best. We all love our own home. The home of everyone is to him as his castle and fortress. Let’s enjoy this nice poem!


  1完善新家的设计,并和你的小伙伴们 用where is/are?句型确定物品的摆放。



  今天我所教授的内容是译林小学英语四上Unit5 的第2课时,复习story time, 教授song time, fun time, sound tme。整个活动设计的围绕 Su Yang and Su Hai’s new home, Your dream home and My home这一主线展开教学。小学英语教学的主要途径是课堂教学,而课堂教学是在基于儿童,了解儿童的学习特点的基础上展开的教学活动。因此,设计有效的课堂教学活动是顺利达到教学目标的可靠保障。

  在开始环节中通过歌曲:Sing the songs《Where’s ?》, 《In the living room》,既调动了学生学习的兴趣,又自然地复习上一单元的句型。通过演唱歌曲《In the living room》直接过渡到Story time的复习。在这一复习环节中最后可以用一个summary形式总结Story time,也是对Story time一个提升的过程。在教授song time部分时,通过让学生说similar words。学生在说同义词时会运用《Where’s ?》, 《In the living room》接触到的新的单词。说明他们对于这个内容的学习已经可以活学活用了,也是一个很好的积累过程。用这些同义词编chant,说说自己最喜欢的房间。很自然的过渡到song time。

  在sound time部分, 通过visit my home,然后猜一猜房间里有什么,出示kite bike cakes books,再组织学生通过猜一猜进行操练,学生兴趣高涨,促进了本单元句型的内化、吸收,但这一环节没有我设想的好。学生在猜一猜过程中直接用最简单的词组on the desk, in the living room进行猜测。让学生在创设的真实情境中积极参与,大胆实践,既巩固当前所学的知识,又为下一步将要开展的句型教学做准备,在出示字母k的过程中,应该让学生主动地总结更多的含有/k/发音的单词。在试一试中让学生试读lake的同时,应该顺势拓展一下Tianmu Lake.在平时教学中应该帮助学生多积累。

  最后在总结时,说到East, west, home is best.我当时在教学时只是让学生体会home is best.其实这个句子当时也可以呈现出来教一教学生。在今后自己的教学过程中要多思考怎样更好的在学的过程中帮助学生更好在积累。尊重孩子,尊重孩子的差异,关注课堂上的评讲。真诚,真实,具体。为学生的发展提供帮助!

四年级上册英语学习|四年级上册英语第五课 our new home教案


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