iframe|If it weren't for the teacher said not to throw garbage everywhere, I already throw you away翻译.

2019-07-09 工作心得体会 阅读:

培养具有扎实的语言基础,广博的文化知识,娴熟的口笔译技能,能够胜任外事、商贸、科技、文化、教育等部门翻译工作的应用型人才,并为翻译硕士和博士教育输送优秀生源。下面是范文网在线www.01hn.com网小编整理的If it weren't for the teacher said not to throw garbage everywhere, I already throw you away翻译.,供大家参考!

  If it weren't for the teacher said not to throw garbage everywhere, I already throw you away翻译.

  If it were not for the fact that she _____ sing, I would invite her to the party.

  [ ]

  A. couldn't

  B. shouldn't

  C. can't

  D. might not


iframe|If it weren't for the teacher said not to throw garbage everywhere, I already throw you away翻译.





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