[企业信用信息公示系统]who is cousin harry

2019-06-17 企业工作总结 阅读:

下面是www.zzxu.cn小学作文网小编整理的who is cousin harry,供大家参考!

  who is cousin harry

  Section I 课前准备、听力、口语

  1. If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? 如果你可以随意设计你自己的梦中之家,那么那房子是个什么样子呢? (p. 17 Warming Up Ex.2)

  (1) be free to do sth. = do sth. freely 随意地或自由地做某事 do sth. as sb. like / please也可以表达相类似的意思。如: ① You are free to do what you like here. 在这儿你可以随意做你喜欢做的事情。② Everyone is free to express himself. 每个人都可以畅所欲言。③ Do as you like, please. 你愿意怎么做就怎么做吧。

  【拓展】in one's free time 在某人的空闲时间; free medical care 公费医疗; for free 免费地; free from... 不受…影响的,无…的; free of 摆脱了…的,无…的 ① I have two free evenings this week. 我本星期两个晚上有空。② He agreed to sing for free. 他同意无偿地演唱。③ How we wished to be free from noises! 我们多希望能不受噪音的影响。④ The house was free of mice in the end. 那座房子终于没有老鼠了。

  (2) design v. 计划,谋划;设计,构思 ① They designed building / to build a house here. 他们打算在这儿建座房子。② The garden was designed by his daughter. 那座花园是他女儿设计的。③ The land is designed for a park. 这块土地打算用来建公园。


  计划”等。a hopeless design 毫无希望的计划; a beautiful design 美丽的图案; by design 故意地,蓄意地; Did you do it by design or just by accident? 你是有意那样做的还是无意的?

  (3)If you were..., what would... 谓语动词使用了虚拟语气形式,表示对将来的假设。注意在使用虚拟条件句时谓语动词的形式:




  had done

  would / could / might have done


  did / were

  would / could / might do


  did / were

  should do

  were to do

  would / could / might do

  ① If you had taken my advice, you would have finished it earlier. 如果你听从我的建议,你早就完成了。② If I were you, I would go there now. 如果我是你,我现在就会去那儿。③ If I had (should have / were to have) time this weekend, I would go back home. 这个周末要是有时间我就回家了。(可能性不大或没有)

  【注意】当主句的主语为第一人称I / we时,情态动词也可使用should。

  2. What words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture? 当你想谈论艺术和建筑的时候,你认为什么词语是有用的? (p. 17 Warming Up Ex.3)

  *该句为混合疑问句句型。特殊疑问词置于句首。该句型前一部分使用倒装语序do you think / suppose / imagine / believe / expect等,后一部分则使用陈述语序。如: ① How much did you say this one cost? 你说这一个卖多少钱? ② Where do you think he has gone? 你认为他去了什么地方? ③ What do you think is likely to happen? 你认为可能会发生什么事?

  【注意】在这类疑问句中前面的think,suppose等词与后面动词的时态可根据需要来使用,不要求一定要一致。如: Who do you suppose telephoned this morning? 你认为早上是谁打来的电话?

  3. Amy and Danny want to buy some furniture for their new home. 艾美和丹尼想为他们的新家买新家具。(p. 18 Listening)

  furniture为不可数名词,意为“家具”。 a piece / an article of furniture 一件家具 many pieces / articles of furniture 好多件家具

  【拓展】furnish vt. 陈设,供应 ① He furnished his house according to his taste. 他按他的爱好布置他自己的房子。② No one in the class could furnish the right answer to the question. 班里没有人能提供出该问题的正确答案。③ I'll furnish you with all you need. 我会提供你所需要的一切。

  4. It is also convenient to live close to your work. 靠近你的工作单位住也方便。(p. 18 Speaking)

  (1) 该句中it为形式主语,to live...为句子的真正主语。

  (2) convenient“方便的”不用来修饰人。常用来指事。be convenient to sb.“对某人来说方便”。其反义词为inconvenient“不方便的”。① Will the 3:50 train be convenient to you? 3点50分的火车对你方便吗? ② If it is convenient to you today, please post the letter for me on your way home. 今天如果你方便的话,请你在回家的路上帮我把这封信邮寄出去。

  (3) close to 靠近 ① She sat close to me. 她靠近我坐着。② You're too close to the fire. 你离炉火太近。③ It is difficult for them to get close to the roof. 他们很难靠近屋顶。

  5. Well, I must say I'd rather live in a traditional sihe- yuan. 依我看,我宁愿住在传统的四合院里。(p. 18 Speaking)

  (1) I must say“依我看”用于作评论时。 I must say no one here will believe what you've said. 依我看,这儿没有人会相信你说的话。

  (2) would rather 宁愿 would rather (not) do sth. 宁愿(不)做某事; would rather (not) have done 宁愿(没)做过某事; would rather do…than do…宁愿做……也不愿做……; would do…rather than do…宁愿做……也不愿做……① I would rather go there alone. 我宁愿一个人去那儿。② I would rather not have said that. 我宁愿我没说过那话。③ I would rather die than give in. = I would die rather than give in. 我宁愿死也不愿投降。

  6. I wouldn't feel happy living in a block of apartments. 住在一座公寓楼里我是不会感到高兴的。(p. 18 Speaking)

  句中现在分词短语living in a block of apartments在句中作状语,表示一个非真实的情况和条件;要是我住在一座公寓楼里(实际上我并没有住在公寓楼里)。有了这样一个非真实的条件,所以句中使用动词的虚拟语气(wouldn't feel)。又如: ① Your wife would not be pleased to hear yousay that. 假如你妻子听到你说这话,她不会高兴

  的。② The chickens can eat the food that we would otherwise throw away. 这些鸡可以吃掉那些要不然就会扔掉的食物。(用otherwise“要不然”提出了一个与现实相反的假设。)

  7. I would miss the garden, and I think an old house is more beautiful. 我会想念那花园的,我觉得一座老房子更好看。(p. 18 Speaking)

  (1) would在此句中的用法同上一句,即“要是住在公寓楼里的话,我会想念那花园的。”为虚拟语气用法。

  (2) miss思念;错过;未击中,未得到;逃脱,免于

  ① I miss her terribly. 我非常惦念她。② I missed the first part of the film. 我没能赶上影片的开头部分。③ He missed the ball. 他没接到球。④ He just missed being killed. 他险些遇难。


  miss表示“逃脱,差点没错过……的机会”时,后面常跟动名词形式。① I don't want to miss seeing that singer at the concert today. 我不想错过在今天的音乐会上见那个歌手的机会。② He narrowly missed falling into the river.


  8. I can't stand... 我忍受不了…(p. 19 Useful expression)

  stand vt. 忍受,经受,承担,忍耐(后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语) ① He can't stand being treated like that. 他忍受不了受到那样的对待。② I can't stand that man;he talks too much. 我忍受不了那个人,他的话太多。③ This color won't stand washing. 这种颜色经不住洗。④ l just couldn't stand this life any more. 我确实再也忍受不了那种生活了。⑤ None of us can stand other people laughing at us. 我们没人会受得了别人的嘲笑。

  【拓展】stand 还可以表示“情况(如何)或处于(某种

  状态)”。如: ① How do things stand at the moment? 目前情况怎样? ② As things now stand, we shall win. 照现在的情况看,我们会赢的。

  9. Some modern architecture takes examples from nature. 有些现代建筑是从自然界中模仿来的。(p. 19 Pre-reading Ex.2)

  *take 内含“吸收,利用”之意;example则意为“实例,样本”。His designs take examples mainly from flowers and plants. 他设计的图案主要是花卉图样。

  【拓展】follow (copy) the example of 以……为榜样; for example 例如; let this be an example to sb. 把这作为给某人的一个警告; set sb. an example 为某人树立榜样; take...for example 以……为例;

  *nature 指“大自然,自然界”,其前不能加冠词。① You can't go against nature. 你不能违反自然。② Nature is at its best in spring. 大自然春天最美。

  Section Ⅱ 阅读

  10. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture. 过去的每一种伟大的文化或每一个不同的时期都把它自己的美学思想表现在艺术和建筑方面。(p. 19Reading第一段第1行)

  该句使用了have sth. done结构,其中过去分词在句中作宾语补足语,表示被动的含义。① I must have my homework finished first before going out to play. 在出去玩之前,我必须先把作业做完。② His car has broken down. He has to have it repaired. 他的车抛锚了。他必须找人修一修。③ He had his foot hurt while playing football. 他在踢球时把脚伤了。④ The old lady has her house cleaned once a week. 那位老妇人每周让人打扫一次房子。

  【注意】get sth. done可替换have sth. done表达相同的意思。该结构字面的意思是“使某事被做”,有时可翻译成“请人做某事”(如 ② ④),有时也可能是自己做某事(如 ①),有时have则有“遭遇,遭受”之意(如 ③)。

  【比较】① I had her type the letter for me. 我让她为我把那封信打出来。(type表示的动作是her发出来的) ② They had the house rebuilt. 他们请人把房子改建了。(the house是rebuilt所表示动作的承受者)

  11. Modernism was invented in the 1920s by a group of architects who wanted to change society with buildings that went against people's feeling of beauty. 现代主义是二十世纪二十年代由一群建筑师创造的,他们想用违反人们审美感觉的建筑来改变社会。 (p. 19 Reading 第二段 第1行)

  (1) modern adj. 现代的,时髦的; modernism n. (文学、艺术等方面的)现代主义; modernize vt. 使现代化; modernization n. 现代化

  (2) in / during the 1920s 在二十世纪二十年代; in / during the 1870s 在十九世纪七十年代

  【比较】in 1920 在1920年; in 1870 在1870年

  (3) go against 违反,违背(意愿、原则等);不利于

  ① I'm not to go against my own family. 我不会背离我自己家人的。② He was afraid that the battle would go against them. 他害怕那场战斗会对他们不利。

  12. To many people modern architecture equals pro- gress. 对于很多人来说,现代建筑就等于进步。(p. 19 Reading 第三段第2行)

  equal v. 等于,和……相等,抵得上 ① Three plus seven equals ten. 三加七等于十。② None of us can equal her in strength. 在力气方面我们当中无人能比得上她。

  【拓展】equal可作形容词,意为“相等的,平等的”,可用于短语be equal to,意为“等于;相当于;能胜任

  的”。如: ① Women demand equal pay for equal work. 妇女们要求同工同酬。② All men are born equal. 所有的人都生而平等。③ Three times two is equal to six. 三乘于二

  等于六。④ I'm not equal t0 that task. 我不能胜任这项


  13. Modern buildings impress us because they are huge, but many people do not find them beautiful. 现代建筑物之所以打动我们是因为它们体积庞大,然而很多人并不觉得它们好看。(p. 19 Reading 第四段 第1行)

  impress vt. 铭刻,给……极深的印象;使感动

  impress...on... 把……印在……上

  impress sth. on sb. / impress sb. with sth. 使某人牢记某事

  be impressed by / at / with被……所感动

  be impressed on one's mind / memory 被印在脑海里,留下很深的印象 ① The words "Made in China" was impressed on a metal plate. “中国制造”的字样印在一块金属板上。② His parents try to impress on him that it is very important to be honest. 他的父母尽力让他记住诚实是很重要的。③ We were deeply impressed by his deeds. 他的事迹使我深受感动。④ What he said that day was deeply impressed on my memory. 他那天说的话深深地印在我的脑海里。

  【拓展】impression n. 印象; leave / make a (an) ... impression on sb. 给某人留下……的印象 All that left (made) a lasting impression on him. 所有那一切都给他留下了不可磨灭的印象。

  14. Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings, ancient architecture stands much closer to nature. 在选材方面以及在建筑的形状方面,古代建筑更贴近自然。(p. 20 Reading 第二段 第3行)

  (1) in在此表示“在……方面”。 ① Although it is small in size, it is heavy in weight. 尽管它体积小但重量重。② He has made great progress in English recently. 最近他英语进步很大。

  (2) stand在该句中意为“处于某种状态(或境地)”。如: ① He stands first on the honour list. 他在光荣榜上名列第一。② The matter stands this. 事情就是这样。③ The thermometer stood at 20oC. 温度计读数是20摄氏度。

  15. Antonio Gaudi, a Spanish architect, was the first to understand that. 一个西班牙建筑师安东尼奥·高迪是第一个明白这一点的人。(p. 20 Reading 第三段 第3行)

  序数词 (+ n.)之后常用不定式作定语。如: ① He is always the first (one) to come and the last (one) to leave. 他总是第一个来,最后一个走。② China was the first country to make paper. 中国是第一个造纸国家。

  16. Most of Gaudi's works were constructed in and around Barcelona. 高迪设计的大多数作品都建在巴塞罗那市内和市外。(p. 20 Reading 第三段 第8行)

  (1) work意为“著作,作品”,为可数名词。如: ① The new opera is a fine work. 这部新歌剧是一部杰作。② He is a great writer, and his works are mostly well received. 他是一位伟大作家,他的作品大多都很受欢迎。③ He brought out a small work. 他出版了一部小部头的著作。

  【拓展】work (n.) 作“工作”讲时为不可数名词 (其同义词job为可数名词);works可表示“工厂”之意,其单复数相同。An iron works is being built nearby. 附近正在


  (2) in and around 在……内部和周围 ① In the past, there were a great many trees in and around the village. 过去,村里村外有很多的树木。② We didn't find any shop in or around the school. 在校内以及在学校周围我们都没能找到一家商店。

  17. Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastic colours and shapes. 看高迪的建筑就像是梦幻,充满了奇异色彩和形状。(p. 20 Reading 第三段 倒数第2行)

  looking at the architecture为动名词短语,在句中作主语。full of...为形容词短语作定语,相当于一个定语从句 which is full of...。

  【提示】be full of 充满……的,装满……的(表状态) / be filled with 装满……的(既可表状态又可表动作) / fill... with...把……装满……① Her eyes were full of tears. 她的眼里饱含着泪水。② The hall was filled with angry people. 大厅里满是愤怒的人们。③ He filled each of the stockings with Christmas presents. 他把每只长袜塞满圣诞节礼物。

  18. Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Gaudi was a modern architect. 尽管使用传统的材料,高迪仍是一位现代派建筑师。(p. 20 Reading 第四段 第1行)

  despite prep. (= in spite of) 尽管,不顾 (有某种情况) ① He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 尽管病得很重,他还是来参加了会议。② Despite advanced years, I'm learning to drive. 虽然年事已高,我还是要学开车。③ He remained modest despite his great achievements. 尽管成就巨大,他仍然保持谦虚。

  19. Frank Lloyd Wright, who built an art museum in New York, found himself inspired by Japanese Seashells. 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特在纽约建造了一家艺术博物馆,他发现日本的海贝壳使自己受到了启发。(p. 20 Reading 第四段 第3行)

  (1) find oneself...“发现自己(处于某种状态),不自觉地……”其后可以接现在分词、过去分词、介词短语等。① He found himself more and more interested in her. 他发现自己对她越来越感兴趣。② He found himself walking in the direction of the school. 他不自觉地朝着学校走去。③ Then he found himself surrounded by a group of boys. 他发现自己被一群男孩子围着。④ Suddenly I found myself face to face with my boss. 突然我发现自己与我的老板面对面。⑤ She found herself out of condition that day. 她发现自己那一天身体不太好。

  (2) inspired为inspire的过去分词,在此修饰found的宾语himself,表示被动的含义。

  20. Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches. 从顶部看,体育馆好像是覆盖着一张灰色的钢网,看起来正像是用树枝搭成的鸟窝。(p. 20 Reading 第五段 第2行)

  (1) see “看”,由其构成的过去分词短语在句中作状语,它与句子的主语it (the stadium) 存在被动关系。又如: ① Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks very beautiful. 从山顶看,这座城市看起来很美。② Followed by a group of students, the professor entered the lab. 教授由一群学生陪着走进了实验室。③ Heated, water will turn into vapor. 水受热就会变成水蒸气。④ Inspired by what he said, we were determined to study harder. 在他的话的鼓舞下,我们决心去更加努力地学习。⑤ Given more time, we could have done it better. 如果给我们的时间多一点,我们会做得更好。

  【比较】现在分词短语作状语时,该分词所表示的动作是主句的主语发出来的,即它与主语间存在着主动关系。① Not knowing his address, I can't write to him. 由于不知道他的地址,我无法给他写信。② Looking out of the window, I saw my head teacher talking with someone.我向窗外望去,看见我的班主任在与人谈话。

  (2) made of tree branches=which is made of tree branches 在句中作定语修饰nest。又如: ① Many people like reading books (which were) written by Lu Xun. 许多人喜欢读鲁迅写的书。② The power station (which was) built last year is a big one. 去年建的那座发电站很大。

  (3) branch n. 树枝,支流,支线;(学科)分科,部门

  a branch of the river 河的一条支流; a branch of science 一门科学; a branch of the union 工会的支部; a branch railway 铁路支线; a branch office 分局

  21. Birds fill up the spaces between the branches of their nests with soft materials. 鸟儿用松软的材料在树枝间建筑鸟巢。(p. 20 Reading 第五段第2行)

  1) filled up with soft materials 在此为过去分词短语作宾语the spaces的补足语。该句中使用了get sth. done结构

  2) fill up

  (1) (=fill in) 填写 fill up the form填表

  (2) 盛满,装满,占据(时间) ① fill up the bottle (=fill the bottle up) 把瓶子装满 ② I filled the room up with furniture. 我把房间里装满了家具。③ Homework fills up almost all my spare time every day. 每天家庭作业几乎占据了我所有的业余时间。

  (3) fill up也用作不及物动词词组,意为“变得满起来,淤积”。① The theatre filled up soon. 剧院里很快就坐满了人。② The room soon filled up with people. 房间里很快就挤满了人。③ The river would soon fill up with mud if not dealt with properly. 如果不妥善处理的话,这条河很快就会积满了淤泥。

  3) space“太空,空间”常作不可数名词,但在表示物体之间的“间隙,空白处,空地,间隔,距离” 时可作可数名词。① Travel through space is not a dream today. 航天旅行在今天已不是梦想。② They found a parking space near the museum. 他们在博物馆附近找到了一个停车的地方。③ There are trees on either side of the street for a space of one mile. 街道两旁都有长达一英里的树木。④ The advertisement took lots of space. 那个广告占了很大的版面。

  22. Why do some people think modern buildings look unnatural, and why do they experience them as cold and unfriendly? 为什么一些人认为现代建筑物看起来不自然?为什么他们觉得它们给人一种冷漠、不友善的感觉? (p. 21 Post-reading 第五段 Ex.5)

  (1) experience 经历,感受,感到 ① He experienced a strong feeling of sadness. 他感到极度的悲哀。② It was the first time that he had experienced the sense of beauty. 那是他第一次感受到那种美感。③ He experienced two world wars. 他经历过两次世界大战。

  (2) experience...as感到……是……,其中as后可跟形容词、分词,表示“是……样子”。如: ① She experienced Mary as very lovely. 她认为玛丽很可爱。② He experiences me as being lacking in humor. 他给我的印象是缺乏幽默感。③ The theory is experienced as very advanced. 此理论被认为非常先进。

  Section III 词汇、语法、综合技能

  23. It is usually difficult to find other companies to move into the old buildings, because the floor plan — the size and the number of halls — doesn't fit their company. 想找其他的公司搬入这些老式楼房里通常是很难的,因为楼层的设计 — 大小和大厅的数量 — 不适合他们的公司。(p. 23 Integrating Skill 第一段 第2行)

  fit v. 适合,适宜,对……符合;合体,合身 ① The music fits my mood. 这音乐适合我的心情。② This jacket fits (me) well. 这件夹克很合(我的)身。③ It doesn't fit the facts. 这不符合事实。

  【拓展】fit 作及物动词,可表示“安装”;作形容词,可意为“适合的,得当的,相称的”。fit a new lock on the door 在门上安把新锁; fit on 试穿; fit in with 适应,与…处得融洽; fit sb. fo... 使某人能适合或胜任…; fit sth. to... 使…与…相符合/适合; be fit for... 胜任,适合……

  24. Often, these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years. 这些楼房经常是在闲置多年后被拆掉。(p. 23 Integrating Skill 第一段 第4行)

  (1) pull down拉下(遮帘等);拆毁,拆掉(建筑物等) ① Shall I pull down the blinds? 我可以放下百叶窗吗? ② The old houses were being pulled down. 那些旧房子正在拆除。

  (2) after在该处为介词,其后跟动名词短语作其宾语。其反义词before也与它一样除作连词引导时间状语从句外,还可作介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。① He liked to play some video games after / before doing his homework. 他喜欢在做完作业之后/前玩些电子游戏。② I'll come after I do (have done) some shopping. 我买些东西后就过来。

  (3) stand vi. 后跟形容词时表示“处于……的状态”。① The door stood open. 门开着。② He stood there still. 他一动也不动地站在那儿。③ These hospitals stand ready for emergency cases. 这些医院随时准备接受急病患者。

  25. They are decorated with small round windows that remind you of ships, bent roofs, and twenty-foot high walls of glass that make them special when compared with other architecture from the me period. 它们的装饰有使人联想到轮船的小圆窗,弯曲的屋顶,以及二十英尺高的玻璃墙,这些玻璃墙使它们在与同期的其他建筑相比时与众不同。(p. 23 Integrating Skill 第二段 第6行)

  (1) decorate...with... 用…装饰… be decorated with... 装饰有 ① She decorated her room with flowers. 她用鲜花装饰她的房间。② All the walls of her room are decorated with pictures of pop stars. 她房间的每面墙壁上都挂着流行歌星的照片作为装饰。

  (2) remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事,使某人想起去做某事 remind sb. + that... 提醒某人…,使某人想起… ① He reminds me of his father. 看到他使我想起了他的父亲。② I reminded him to work hard. 我提醒他要用功。③ She reminded me that I hadn't had breakfast. 她提醒我还没吃早饭。

  (3) when compared... 是when they are compared... 的省略形式。compare...with... 把…与…相比; compare ... to... 把……比作; compared to / with...与……相比(可在句中作状语)

  don't / can't compare with...不能与……相比,比不上① Compare this sentence with that one, and you'll see the difference. 把这个句子与那个句子比较一下,你就会明白其中的不同了。② One's life is often compared to a candle. 一个人的一生经常被比作蜡烛。③ Compared with the others, you're really lucky. 与其他人相比,你很幸运。④ My handwriting doesn't compare with yours. 我的书写不能和你的相比。

  26. The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as very different from Chinese architecture. 这些建筑的简朴的风格以及它们具有德国特点的这个事实使它们迥异于中国的建筑。(p. 23 Integrating Skill 第二段 倒数第2行)

  set aside 把……放在一边,搁置;拨出,留出;不理会,取消 ① He set aside the book and turned off the light. 他把书放在一边关上了灯。② Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars of his salary. 每周他都设法从工资中留出几美元。③ The judge set aside the decision of the lower court. 这位法官取消下级法院的决定。④ He set a11 their offers aside. 他拒绝接受他们所有的提议。

  【拓展】aside adv. 到一边,向旁边 ① Move the table aside. 把桌子挪向一边。② He opened the door and stood aside for her to pass. 他打开门站在一边让她过去。

  【短语】 aside from 除了;lay aside 存蓄 ① Aside from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill. 除了既有趣又是一项很好的运动外,游泳还是一种非常有用的技能。② She had managed to lay aside 100 dollars. 她设法存储了100美元。

  27. Old factory buildings have many halls and workshops of different sizes. 旧厂房有很多大小不一的大厅和车间。(p. 23 Integrating Skill 第四段 第1行)

  of + n. 常用来表示人或事物所具有的特征或性质,在句中常用来作表语或后置定语。① Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different metals. 硬币的大小、重量、形状与所铸造的金属可能不一样。② Two of his greatest films, "City Lights" and "Modern Times" were of this kind. 他的两部最伟大的影片“城市之光”和“摩登时代”就是这种类型的影片。③ The two boxes are of the same size. 这两个盒子一样大。④ I don't find anything of interest in today's paper. (= interesting) 在今天的报纸上我没见什么有意思的内容。

  【归纳】great interest (= very interesting)/value (= very valuable) / help (= very helpful) / importance (= very important) / use (= very useful) / benefit (= very beneficial)

  high quality高质量的

  28. They like these buildings because the rooms and halls are often very large, which is good for artists who want to make large objects. 他们喜欢这些楼房,因为房间和大厅通常很大,这对于想创造大的物体的艺术家来说很合适。(p. 23 Integrating Skill 最后一段 第3行)

  (1) which is good... 为非限制性定语从句,which 所代表的不是前面某一个名词而是the rooms and halls are often very large一句话的内容。又如: ① He is often late for class, which makes his head-teacher very angry. 他经常上课迟到,这使得他的班主任很恼火。② He said that he had just returned from Beijing,which was not true, of course. 他说他刚从北京回来,这当然不是真的。

  (2) good在句中意为“合适的,可以的”。又如: It's a good day for hiking. 这真是个远足的好天气。

  【拓展】be good for 可作为固定短语来使用,意为“对……有好处;有……用处;对…… (疾病)有效;能出(多少钱)”等。① Taking more exercise is good for you. 多做运动对你有好处。② It's not a good film, but it's good for a laugh. 这不是部好电影,但看了笑一笑还可以。③ This medicine is good for a cold. 这药能治感冒。④ Because he is rich, he is good for ¥100, 000. 他很富有,他能出10万元。


  1. 过去分词作宾语补足语(宾补)


  (1) 过去分词 (done) 常表示动作的完成、状态或动作的全过程。

  (2) 宾语与过去分词在逻辑上常存在着被动关系。

  (3) 不及物动词的过去分词作宾补时没有被动意味,只表示动作的完成和状态(如例⑨⑩)。① I was glad to see the child well taken care of. 我很高兴地看到孩子受到了很好的照料。② When he arrived, he found all the work finished. 当他到达的时候,他发现所有的工作都做

  完了。③ She heard the door shut with a bang. 她听到门咣地一声关上了。④ She felt a great load taken off her mind. 她觉得思想上去掉了一个重担。⑤ He kept the windows shut all the year. 他全年都关着窗户。⑥ He stood up in order to make himself seen by others. 他站了起来,为的是让别人能看见他。⑦ Could you please make yourself known to us? 请您向我们做下自我介绍,好吗? ⑧ You must get your article finished before going home. 回家之前,你必须先把文章写完。⑨ When I returned there, I found the bag gone. 当我返回那儿时,我发现包不见了。⑩ We found the village greatly changed. 我们发现村子已发生了巨大变化。

  2. 现在分词作宾语补足语(宾补)

  现在分词作宾补时,通常表示一个正进行或持续的动作,宾语与宾补在逻辑上存在着主谓关系,即宾补所表示的动作通常是宾语发出来的。当现在分词的被动式 (being done) 作宾补时,它仍表示一个正在进行或持续的动作,但宾语与宾补存在逻辑上的动宾关系(如例③④)。① I saw a boy crying there. 我看到一个男孩在那儿哭。② I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。③ I saw the child being beaten by his father. 我看到那孩子正在挨他父亲的打。④ I often watched the ship being loaded. 我常常观看轮船装货。

I,am,a,volcanologist,who is,dieting,ok,for,kids at,the,christmas,eve if,i,know,what,love,is Sn=2ann 任务型阅读:Letchildrenlearntojudgetheirownwork.Achild ①HCl比H2S稳定 Atlantis,a,beautiful,and,wealthy,island,is,supposed thomas,edison,was,one,of,the,most,successful,inventors Fast,food,is,becoming,more,and,more,popular. the,34th,beijing what,is,success?Different,people,hold,different,views Friendship,is,like,money:,easier,made,than,______.,,A.,kept,,,,,,,B.,to,be,kept,,,,,,C.,keeping But,in,April,of,that,year,Gerald,Ratner,made,a,big,mistake. you,rise,me,up串词 APEC,,was,established,in1989,is,short the,uninvolved,dad HisclassmateMikebecamealawyerbuthe什么aworker 下列与方向有关的叙述,合理的是 下面是关于原创力的评论 remote,african,village,met,a,tourist A,new,word the,tourist,bus,winded 2016届高三英语走向高考阶段性测试八It,is,said,that,a,great,,many,,things,,about 完形填空the,sweetest h81主板怎么设置bois The,Ires,of,Greece诗歌翻译版 bootmgr,is,missing怎么解决 完型填空A,goodbey,kiss travis,kalanick Luck,is,an,opportunity,happen,to,hit,your,efforts. 傣族jieshi I,wish,I,was,as,strong,as,I,pretend,to,be 巅峰丨灬后面用什么词好 ADDISABABA阅读理解 goodnight/月亮 B.,576 不联系,只是在等待合适的时间 关于GIS的叙述,正确的是 风雨同船,天晴便各自散了 地形起伏度是指在一个特定区域内

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