
2018-08-10 经验交流材料 阅读:


  The disappointment in yourself. The anger that turns into disappointment. The despair. It"s like the guy sitting in the bar, and a priest walks in. The guy says, "Hey, wait a minute. I hate to tell you this, don"t waste your time, but I happen to know there"s no God." The priest says, "Yeah, how"s that?" The guy says, "I was an explorer in the North Pole. I got caught in a blinding storm once. Freezing. I was blinded. Freezing to death. And I prayed, "If there"s a God, save me now. Now.’ God didn"t come." And the priest says, "You know, how"s that? You"re alive. He must"ve saved you." He says, "God never showed up. An Eskimo came along, took me back to his camp and saved me."
  A guy"s walking with two horses, right? One horse is carrying a hundred pounds, the other one"s got 50. Now, the hundred-pound horse falls over dead. So the guy"s like, "What the fuck?" Takes the hundred-pound sack, puts it on the 50-pound horse. Then that 50-pound horse, he won"t move. He won"t take one step with another pound on his back. That"s me.
  The feds will never understand the guy who"s facing 40 years gonna give him the opportunity to walk soot-free if he gives up his friends. He tells them, "Suck a dick. Give me the 40."
  I like to have a good cry at the nail salon. Just open right up to the ladies. They"re very understanding. But, you know, you like the Laundromat, so that"s fine.
  I was at a bar one night, right? There was this guy there going around to all the ladies and telling them that he was judging a hugging contest. Some of them actually bought it, right? So he throws his arms around them, rubs their back, grabs their ass. Finally I get sick of it and I go up to this guy and I tell him that I am judging a face-punching contest. By the way, I"m here tonight judging a fucking contest.
  People get up every day. They do the same thing. They tell themselves they"re gonna change their life one day and they never do.
  You could do 30 years for walking in the door.
  You know the funniest thing about being in prison? Guys pretending that they wanna get out.
  No matter how much you change, you still have to pay the price for the things you"ve done.


  We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. —— Mattin Luther King
  我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。——马丁 ·路德 · 金
  Living without an aim is like sailing without a pass. —— John Ruskin
  Man errs as long as he strives. —— Goethe
  While there is life there is hope.
  Try not to bee a man of success but rather try to bee a man of value. —— A. Einstein
  Knowlegde can change your fate and English can acplish your future.
  Victory won’t e to me unless I go to it. —— M.Moore
  The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.


  例1、 冯紫英唱曲
  杨译:You can bill and you can coo,
  Be an imp of mischief too,
  But a fairy? No, not you,
  As my word you doubt.
  Ask around and you’ll find out
  I love you. yes, I do!
  霍译:You’re so exciting,
  And so inviting;
  You’re my Mary Contrary;
  You’re a crazy, mad thing.
  You’re my goddess, but oh! You’re deaf to my praying:
  Why won’t you listen to what I am saying?
  If you don’t believe me, make a small investigation:
  You will soon find out the true depth of my admiration.
  2)值得注意的是,对于“刁钻古怪鬼精灵”的处理,霍译其中的“刁钻古怪鬼精灵”被霍克斯译成了“Mary Contrary”,“Mary Contrary”来自英国的一首儿歌,所谓contrary, 指她颇难相处,难按常规捉摸,在这一点上,接近原文的“刁钻古怪鬼精灵”。霍克斯采用的是用目的语中合适的喻体代替源语言中的喻体,这一翻译方法经常被用在两种语言存在文化错位或空缺的情况下。
  例2、 警幻仙姑赋(片段)
  杨译:Her whiteness? Spring plum-bloosom glimpsed through snow.
  Her purity? Autumn orchids coated with frost.
  Her tranquility? A pine in a lonely valley.
  Her beauty? Sunset mirrored in a limpid pool.
  Her grace? A dragon breasting a winding stream.
  Her spirit? Moonlight on a frosty river.
  霍译:Her purity I can best show
  In plum-trees flowering in the snow;
  Her chastity I shall recall
  In orchids white at first frost-fall;
  Her tranquil nature will prevail
  Constant as lone pine in an empty vale;
  Her loveliness as dazzled make
  As sunset gilding a pellucid lake;
  Her loveliness as dazzled make
  As sunset gilding a pellucid lake;
  Her glittering elegance I can compare
  With dragons in an ornamental mere;
  Her dreamy soulfulness most seems
  Like wintry waters in the moon’s cold beams.
  解析: 霍译采取排比结构,大多数诗行为“抑扬格四音步”(iambic tetrameter), 少数行为“抑扬格五音步”(iambic pentameter)。押韵格式为“双行联韵体”(couplet)。译文韵脚密集,且都是双元音或长元音,因此韵味醇厚,给人以强烈的音乐美。杨译译文十分有特色,没有押韵,大胆采取“字对字”译法,甚至都没有使用动词。一般说来,“字对字”译法是不可取的,然而此处却用得十分恰当,而且效果很好。译文富于节奏感,节奏鲜明,语言简练准确。比较以上两个译文,两种译文各有所长。
  杨译:Even a pair thought well-matched
  May find disappointment.
  霍译:Even a wife so courteous and so kind.
  No comfort brings to my afflicted mind.
  解析:1)这句道出宝玉被骗与宝钗成婚的极大痛苦和始终不屈的反抗的心声。“齐眉举案”的意思为送饭时把托盘肖得跟眉毛一样高。后形容夫妻互相尊敬,相敬如宾。杨译为“a pair thought well-matched”,是a pair thought to be well-matched的省略,这句话表达的是宝玉与宝钗的结合在他人眼中是金玉良缘,而非他们二人之间的感情写照,虽然未能很好体现相敬如宾的感觉,但也侧面表现了宝黛爱情悲剧的主因主要源自外界,那个封建礼教的社会。而霍译则选择从女方切入,将齐眉举案译成“a wife so courteous and so kind”,没有体现夫妻双方的互动,却体现古代女性在婚姻中的生存状态,一个恭敬和顺的妻子就够了,只不过对于心有所属的宝玉而言仍然无法接受。
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  杨译:Only a stork can be seen in the pine-shadowed court,
  No oriole sings in the snow which has drifted like pear-blossom.
  霍译:Only a stork outside is to be found —
  No oroles now, though white flowers mask the ground.
  解析:第一句宛若一幅“松鹤图”,霍译没有较好展现这一意境。杨译独出心裁采用构词法,构造出“pine-shadowed”,效果很好。第二句中“梨花”比喻雪,霍译“梨花”译为“white flowers”,不免让不了解中国文化的译文读者不能很好体会这一暗喻修辞的美妙。杨译把暗喻转为明喻,不失为一种好办法。






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