
2018-08-09 素材及写作指导 阅读:


  下面,我就介绍一下杨洋:杨洋,中国内地男演员,1991年9月9日出生于上海,籍贯安徽合肥,毕业于中国人民解放军艺术学院2003级舞蹈系。2008年因出演电视剧《红楼梦》中成年宝玉一角而崭露头角,正式进入娱乐圈;2010年《红楼梦》播出,杨洋凭借该剧荣膺年度BQ红人榜“最佳新人奖”。2011年杨洋参演首部电影《建党伟业》,饰演杨开慧哥哥杨开智一角; 2013年在历史剧《新洛神》中担任男一号曹植; 2014年因出演电影《左耳》中“许弋”和网络剧《盗墓笔记》中“张起灵”而获得广泛关注,同年出演古装魔幻武侠剧《少年四大名捕》,并于2015年2月11日凭借该剧获得2014中国校园文艺榜中榜最受青少年喜爱的男演员奖。2015年4月24日,杨洋参演的电影《左耳》在内地上映;同月参演根据明晓溪同名小说改编的青春励志偶像剧《旋风少女》;4月25日,参与录制的《花儿与少年第二季》播出。看,杨洋厉害吧?


  因为脑瘫导致的“马蹄足内翻”病症,15岁的杨洋无法行走,但他却是伦敦泳池中最耀眼的明星。5年的游泳训练,杨洋的身体不仅得到极大康复,而且“飞鱼”也成为中国代表团在伦敦夺得金牌最多的“四金王”。 9月1日,中国选手杨洋在颁奖仪式上。当日,在伦敦残奥会男子200米自由泳S2级决赛中,杨洋以4分36秒18的成绩夺得冠军,并打破残奥会纪录。下面是小编整理的残奥会冠军杨洋奋斗的故事,希望你们会喜欢!


  玉兰教育 初一作文 杨洋
  也是一种艺术。如果你是艺术的创造者,那岂不是会有自豪感吗?但更多的时候,我只喜欢一个人听歌,走在一条寂静的路上,一个人戴着耳机,低着头,哼着歌。没错,It’s me!
  篇三:初二外研版押题作文 (1)
  My collection
  Different people have different collections. Some like collecting books, others like collecting model ships. However, I like collecting stamps.
  It"s an interesting story how stamp collection became one of my hobbies. I used to write letters to my friends and then one day I noticed one stamp of a bird image which attracted me so much that I decided to collect it. After then, I began to pay attention to the stamps. I have collected more than two hundred stamps since two years ago. There are several advantages of stamp collection. First of all, it can broaden my mind, I can learn a lot about geography and history from stamps. Second, it gives me great pleasure and makes me relaxed. What’s more, it makes my life more colorful and meaningful. One of my favourite stamps is a stamp with Beijing Opera, it shows us the traditional art of China, and it is so beautiful that I enjoy it very much.
  Do you like collecting stampsDon’t you think the stamps are very interesting and valuable
  My collection
  Nowadays, people are interested in collecting something they like. So do I.
  In my opinion, it’s very interesting for me to collect stamps. On my 7th birthday, my father gave me some stamp albums as the gift. The stamps were collected by him in the last 30 years. So at that time, I was shocked by the beautiful stamps and I
  decided to start collecting stamps. With my father’s help, I knew more about the stamp collection. Now I have owned hundreds of stamps. In my spare time, I usually appreciate them. They make my free time colorful. And I have learnt a lot about different culture. So collecting stamps is an important part of my life.
  And now I have a dream. I want to start a stamp collectors’ club so that all the collectors can share the valuable stamps together. I hop
  e my dream can come true one day.
  Have you ever been to Hainan
  Have you ever been to HainanI went to Hainan island with my family last month. Hainan island, a really beautiful place, which is well-known for its beautiful beaches, is in the south of China.
  The weather there was different from that in Beijing. In other words, it was wet and hot all the time. Sometimes the temperature could reach 40 degrees centigrade. We visited some well-known places of interest, such as Tianyahaijiao and Yalongwan. What impressed us most was the seafood there. It was very yummy. What I liked best was fried fresh crab with ginger sauce.(姜汁炸大蟹) What’s more, the people there were quite friendly. As long as(只要) we had some problems, for example,
  we got lost, Hainaners were always eager to help us.
  In my opinion, the vacation in Hainan island is the best one I have ever had, even better than the one in America. I hope I can go there again next time.
  Dear Yang Yang,
  I’m having trouble these days. It’s difficult for me to get down to work. I can’t concentrate on studying. At home, I spend most of my time playing computer games instead of doing my homework. I go to bed very late, so I feel very tired in class. Sometimes I want to listen to the teachers, but I can’t stop thinking about the games I played at home. As a result, I can hardly understand the teachers now. I’m afraid I can’t pass the exam. What should I doCan you help me with the problem Yours,
  I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your study,which is so common that most of us will come across. However, there is always a way to solve the problem. Here are some of my suggestions (that) you may find useful.
  First of all, I don’t think playing too much computer games is a good idea. In my opinion, we students are supposed to pay more attention on our study and get more knowledge. Besides, playing computer games makes it impossible for you to concentrate .So, why not try to give it upSecondly, go to bed as early as possible after you have finished your homework. As long as you get enough sleep, you won’t feel tired in the class anymore. Last but not least, listen to your teachers carefully and take notes in class. What’s more, it’s important for you to take part in class activities as more as possible. When you come across with any problem, go to your teacher for help instead of leaving it behind.
  All in all , follow what I said, and I"m sure you ‘ll make great progress and pass the final examinations. Good luck! 建议类作文模版:
  I am sorry to hear your problem, which is so common that most of us will come across. Here are some useful suggestions I think that may help.
  First of all, ______.Secondly, ______. Last but not least, _______. What’s more, ________
  All in all , follow what I said, and I"m sure you ‘ll ______. Good luck!






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