
2019-07-17 请假条 阅读:

请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,下面是 小编为大家带来的英语请假条三篇,希望能帮助到大家!


  To: John Smith, Supervisor

  From: George Chen, Accounting Department

  Date: March 11, 2001

  Subject: Casual Leave of Absence John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27.

  YesterdayI received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling methat a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damageto my house. As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assessthe situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. Though Icannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least makearrangements for repair work. I believe my relatives in the village andmy neighbors will also come to help. Financially I have nodifficulties.

  I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.


  Dear Ms Ma,

  I am sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today. Last night my mother had a high fever and a bad cough. Perhaps she has caught flu. I will take my mother to Tiantan Hospital and then look after her at home, so I couldn't go to school today. So I would like to ask for one day's leave. I will be very grateful if you grant my leave.


  Li Li


  1 March, 200

  Dear Director,

  I beg to apply for one’s week’s leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my grandfather, who is now serious ill. To support my application, I herewith submit the telegram received from my father last night.


  James Smith

假条 英语






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